P5.js Coding Challenges

This page contains links to all the p5.js coding challenges I am working on. The challenges are from The Coding Train YouTube channel's coding challenges playlist. I have added my spin to each challenge on top of going along with the flow of the videos.

CC-3: Snake Game

Keyboard Controls:
mousePress, up, down, left, right
Mobile Controls: tapping, swiping

In this coding challenge I created a snake game. The snake and food start out in a random location on the board and the snake is white and the food is red. The goal of the game is to eat enough food where the snake fills the entire board. The player will fail if the snake's head touches its body or the snake tries to leave the screen. Upon losing an image will pop up and the user can click that image to play again. There is no score mechanic, but I might add that in at a later time.

CC-5: Flower Invaders Game

Keyboard Controls:
Mobile Controls: tapping

This is a modified version of space invaders. Instead of space aliens invading, there are flowers that start at the bottom of the screen and grow upwards. The player is a watering can at the top of the screen sending drops of water to wither the flowers before they reach the top. This game is not finished yet and currently only has the flowers swaying at the bottom of the screen, drops that go from the top of the screen to where you clicked, the flowers can lose their petals until they have withered away, and the flowers grow every 3 seconds until they reach the top. I still need to add the watering can at top of the screen, add the score, start, and game over screens. Currently the game stops if a flower reaches the top or if the player withered all the flowers away.

CC-6: Mitosis Simulation

Keyboard Controls:
Mobile Controls: tapping

This coding challenge starts off with a huge circle in the middle of the screen. When the user clicks on the circle it will divide into two smaller circles and the user can click one of those two smaller circles and they will divide and so on. At the bottom right of the screen is the number of lives the user has. if the user clicks on the screen and there is no circle present where they clicked the user loses a life. If the user clicks on the screen where there is a circle present the user gains a life. the lives text will turn green when the user gains a life and red if they lose one. When the circles reach a certain size they will resize back up to a properly clickable size. All of the circles on the screen will be moving and bouncing off the edges so it is not as easy to click them.